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Union members can do this: Get vaccinated!

The following is from the AFL-CIO:

WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 16, 2021) — For working people, getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is a matter of life and death. Thanks to the work of the Biden administration, vaccinations are available for free throughout the United States to anyone ages 12 and older.

Yet, many working people have not been vaccinated, in part because of issues of trust. Getting every working person who doesn’t have a health condition vaccinated is an urgent issue, and unions can save their members’ lives by reaching out as a trusted voice to urge everyone to be vaccinated.

From now until July 4, the AFL-CIO will join with affiliates, national allies and the Biden administration under the umbrella of Made to Save to reach the goal of 70 percent adult vaccinations across the country.

TAKE A STAND — Ready to get vaccinated? Visit Washington state’s Vaccine Locator to find vaccine appointments near you.

Add your name saying you got vaccinated and get your sticker. Show that you’re a proud union member who is doing your part to end this pandemic.

Also, record a video for social media talking about why you got vaccinated. Check out this Union Members Can Do This toolkit with sample messages, social graphics and other materials to spread the word at your union: It’s time to do our part and get vaccinated.

COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. Clinical trials show that the vaccines are safe and help protect people from COVID-19. If we all get vaccinated and continue wearing masks and social distancing, we can slow the spread. Together, we can end this pandemic.

Working people also need strong health and safety protections in the workplace to prevent exposure to COVID-19. The workplace is a high-risk setting because we’re breathing the same air for long periods of time. That’s why vaccines for workers are even more important.

Getting vaccinated is the safest way to build protection for you, your loved ones and your entire community. Add your name and get your sticker saying you’re a proud union member who got the vaccine.