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Metro/King County workers seek PPE, hazard pay, transparency

SEATTLE (April 9, 2020) — Bus drivers, custodians, and other transit workers spoke out Tuesday on the need for urgent safety measures on Metro/King County bus and rail service amid the coronavirus pandemic. In an open letter to King County officials, more than 50 transit workers called for full Personal Protective Equipment, hazard pay in the form of 40 hours pay for 30 hours work, transparency in reporting COVID-19 cases in the workplace, and more.

“It is critical now, more than ever, that Metro management turns this around, listen to its front line workers, and step up and provide the basic elements of a safe environment for workers and riders,” reads the open letter to King County Executive Dow Constantine and Metro General Manager Rob Gannon. “We are all in this together. We won’t be able to flatten the curve unless everyone does their part.”

TAKE A STAND — Like so many essential workers on the front lines of this pandemic, transit workers need your help to win the tools that will enable them to do their jobs as safely as possible. Please sign and share this petition set up by Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity that calls for these protections for Metro/King County workers. Also, call King County Executive Dow Constantine at 206-296-9300 and your County Council member at 206-477-1000 and let them know that support the demands of transit workers.

NOTE: Although multiple members of Amalgamated Transit Union 587 signed the open letter to Constantine and Gannon, this is not an action organized by ATU 587.