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SPEEA members will vote on contract extension with Boeing

The following was posted by Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA), IFPTE Local 2001:

(Feb. 14, 2020) — Recent meetings with The Boeing Company to resolve the salary adjustment process and a number of other ongoing member issues have now resulted in proposals for new contracts for the SPEEA Professional and Technical Bargaining Units.

Brought forward by the Executive Board in its role as the interim negotiation team, the offers were presented to the Prof and Tech Bargaining Unit Councils on Thursday (Feb. 13). The Executive Board recommended members vote to approve the offers. Voting packages are now being prepared.

The offers come after meetings with Boeing, along with careful evaluation by Executive Board and SPEEA staff experts. The offers address the ongoing issues with salary pools, provide paid parental and family medical leave and address other ongoing member issues. If ratified by a vote of SPEEA members, the contracts will be extended to Oct. 6, 2026.

Lunchtime meetings are being scheduled to present the offers to members. Look for a notice on SPEEA bulletin boards and for the meeting schedule on the website. More details can be found here.