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Raise your voice! Participate in AFL-CIO constituency groups

constituency-groups(Dec. 10, 2015) — The AFL-CIO’s constituency groups are unions’ bridge to diverse communities, creating and strengthening partnerships to enhance the standard of living for all workers and their families. These groups also promote the full participation of women and minorities in the union movement and ensure unions hear and respond to the concerns of the communities they represent.

All union members are encouraged to participate in the local chapters of these important groups.

The following meeting and contact information for Puget Sound area constituency groups was compiled by the M.L. King County Labor Council, AFL-CIO. If you know of regular constituency group meetings or contact information in other parts of the state, please let us know and we will update this notice:

APRI (A. Philip Randolph Institute) meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 6 p.m. in Room 208 of the Seattle Labor Temple, 2800 First Avenue, Seattle. Note: The December APRI meeting has been cancelled due to the holiday. APRI Youth & Young Adult Chapter meets the 2nd Saturday of each month at 11 a.m. at Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, 715 23rd Ave. S., Seattle. (Next meeting: Saturday, Dec. 12.) For more information on APRI and APRI Youth & Young Adult Chapter, e-mail

APALA (Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance) — For information on APALA meetings, e-mail

CBTU (Coalition of Black Trade Unionists) meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Washington State Labor Council, 321 16th Ave. S., Seattle. (Next meeting: Tuesday, Dec. 15.) For more information on CBTU, e-mail

CLUW (Coalition of Labor Union Women) meets the 1st Monday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Washington State Labor Council, 321 16th Ave. S., Seattle. For more information on CLUW, e-mail

LCLAA (Labor Council for Latin American Advancement) meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Seattle Machinists Hall, 2nd Floor, 9125 15th Pl. S., South Park (Next meeting: Monday, Dec. 14. Nominations will be accepted and elections held at the January meeting. To join LCLAA, click here.) For more information on LCLAA, e-mail

P@W (Pride at Work) — For information on P@W meetings, e-mail

PSARA (Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action) — The Executive Board of PSARA — which is not affiliated with the AFL-CIO — meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 12:30 p.m. at the Washington State Labor Council, 321 16th Ave. S., Seattle.  NOTE: the next meeting is an election and holiday party which starts at Noon on Thursday, Dec. 17 at Greenwood Community Senior Center, 525 North 85th Street, Seattle. Please bring a main dish, fruit, salad, dessert or soft drink to share at the party. RSVP by leaving a message on the office phone at 206-448-9646 or email All PSARA members are welcome to attend. For more information on PSARA, e-mail

WSARA (Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans) — For information on WSARA meetings, e-mail

WA YELL (Washington Young Emerging Labor Leaders) — For information on WA YELL meetings, e-mail