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Deadlines approach for WSLC resolutions, award nominations

SEATTLE (June 7, 2022) — The affiliated unions of the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO have already received their convention call for the WSLC’s 2022 Constitutional Convention to be held July 19-21 at the Coast Wenatchee Hotel and Convention Center.

Deadlines are approaching for two important activities of that convention: the consideration of resolutions and the presentation of awards recognizing the efforts and accomplishments of specific union organizations and individual union members.

RESOLUTIONS — It is through the debate and passage of resolutions submitted by affiliated unions and councils that the WSLC’s positions and policies are established. (See previous years’ resolutions for examples.)

By WSLC Constitution, for resolutions to be considered on time and be distributed to all registered delegates in advance of the convention, the WSLC must receive those proposed resolutions 30 days prior to convention, which would be Sunday, June 19. That date is Juneteenth and because it falls on a Sunday, the holiday will be recognized on Monday. So the WSLC will accept on-time resolutions received by Tuesday, June 21. Any proposed resolutions received after that date will be considered “late” and the convention delegates will vote upon their acceptance on the convention’s first day.

As a constitutional convention year, delegates may also consider resolutions to amend the WSLC Constitution to ensure that its structure aligns with the organization’s values. The deadline for affiliates to submit constitutional amendments was March 31, but the WSLC Constitution and By-Laws Committee has until June 21 to propose resolutions amending the constitution.

WSLC affiliates can submit resolutions electronically by sending them to Willa Kamakahi at


At the most recent in-person WSLC Convention in 2019, Theresa Purtell of IAFF 27 was presented the Elsie Schrader Award.

AWARDS — The WSLC standing committees present annual awards at convention recognizing outstanding achievement in the past year by unions and their individual members. All affiliates have the opportunity to submit names for consideration but the deadline for nominations for all awards is Friday, June 10.

Following are descriptions of the awards that will be presented for the WSLC’s 2022 Constitutional Convention. (Follow the links to download nomination forms.)


The WSLC Mother Jones Award has been recognized for decades as the state labor movement’s award that recognizes our own members in their struggle for dignity and respect for all working men and women in our state. Traditionally, two awards are given, one to an individual and one to an organization. Candidates for the award will best exemplify the tradition of Mary “Mother” Jones’ immortal statement, “Mourn for the dead, but fight like hell for the living!”

At the WSLC’s 2021 “virtual” convention, this award was presented to Bill Messenger, who recently retired from the WSLC where he served as Workforce Development Director and staffed the WSLC’s Economic Development and Transportation Committee for many years. No organizational award was presented.

The WSLC Economic Development and Transportation Committee reviews nominations and recommends recipients for this award to the WSLC Executive Board.


The WSLC Education, Training and Apprenticeship Committee gives an annual “Bruce Brennan Memorial Award” to the individual who has contributed the most to further the cause of apprenticeship, education and training in Washington state. In 2021, it was presented to Chris Rotter of the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 437.


The WSLC Women’s Committee presents this award for the advancement of women in leadership roles and/or for activism on behalf of women within the labor movement. Last year, the Elsie Schrader Award went to Connie Rodriguez of Laborers Local 242. For more information about this award, see the Elsie Schrader award criteria.