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Urge state Dept. of Corrections to keep Larch facility open

The following is from Teamsters Local 117:

VANCOUVER, Wash. (July 14, 2023) — The Department of Corrections is making a serious mistake.

The DOC wants to close the Larch Corrections Center in Yacolt, a model facility with nationally-recognized educational programs for the incarcerated population as they prepare for the challenging transition to reenter our communities.

Closure of the facility would force correctional employees and their families to uproot and sever ties with local businesses, schools, and their neighbors. The families of incarcerated individuals would have to travel longer distances to visit their loved ones who are assigned to other prisons.

Larch staff also train critical fire crews that are essential in fighting wildfires in our state. Relocating these crews will represent an important lost resource that has served and protected the local community for years.

TAKE A STAND — Please send a message to Olympia and the DOC: Keep Larch open! Keep local communities together!

Also, Teamsters who provide services at Larch have set up an online petition at calling on the DOC to keep Larch open. Please sign it to keep Larch open!

Thank you for taking action.