Union members: File now to serve as PCO
SEATTLE (May 17, 2022) — This week is candidate filing week in our state and the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO is urging all union members to consider filling one of the most important local political roles in their local communities: Precinct Committee Officer (PCO).
PCOs are the main point of contact for voters in your precinct — which can include just one apartment complex, a few city blocks or large rural areas. Importantly, PCOs also elect party leadership and help fill vacancies in elected office. PCOs also have a voice as to what issues and candidates the Democratic and Republican parties should oppose or endorse.
That’s why it’s important for union members to participate. We need more people who understand the value and importance of workplace democracy to be active in our political system. That’s why union members, particularly those who may one day consider running for higher political office, should consider serving as PCOs.
Here’s where you can get more information about how to file to serve as PCO in your community:
Democratic Party PCOs: www.wa-democrats.org/local/pco
Republican Party PCOs: wsrp.org/become-a-pco
PCOs are elected to 2-year terms in the August Primary of even-numbered years. To become a PCO you need to file to run as a PCO with your County Auditor. Follow the links above for more details on how to do that. But you have to do it now. Filing week ends Friday, May 20 at 4 p.m. So sign up today!