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How you can show solidarity with Afghan people here, abroad

Special to The Stand

(Aug. 24, 2021) — Solidarity is needed within our labor movement and our communities to support Afghan people living and working in Washington. Many are struggling through the fear or deep concerns for their family and friends who currently live in Afghanistan. Many are seeking information on how they can help their family members get out of Afghanistan and to safety.

Here are three ways we can be in solidarity with Afghan people in Washington and in Afghanistan:

Share Information

●  Share information on visas and government support for evacuation with Afghan union members and community members who are trying to get their family members out of Afghanistan.

●  Some of Washington’s congresspeople and senators are working directly with U.S. officials in Kabul and are offering help to constituents needing assistance with evacuation of family members from Afghanistan.  Contact your U.S. Senators and/or one of these U.S. Representatives for assistance:

Sen. MurraySen. CantwellRep. JayapalRep. SmithRep. Delbene

●  U.S. Citizens, Legal Permanent Residents (LPR), non U.S. Citizens awaiting an immigrant visa, non U.S. Citizen adult parent/guardian accompanying a U.S. Citizen/LPR minor child wanting to depart Afghanistan should fill out this Repatriation Assistance Form with the State Department: 

●  Those with an approved petition for a Special Immigrant Visa needing assistance should email or call 1-603-334-0828

●  More information regarding Afghanistan evacuations and visas can be found on the U.S. Department of State website.


●  Send a letter to your member of Congress demanding the Biden-Harris administration lift the cap on Afghan refugees immediately.

●  Sign this MoveOn petition. This petition calls on President Biden to lift the cap on Afghan refugees.

●  Sign this petition and send another letter to Congress about lifting the cap on Afghan refugees, with a specific focus on wartime allies.

Volunteer and Donate

●  Sign up to support Afghan refugees in Washington. Anything from clothing to housing, to mental health support is appreciated.

●  Donate funds to support Afghan refugees in Washington. The Muslim Association of Puget Sound (MAPS) is fundraising to provide much-needed resources to refugees. 100% of donations will go directly to supporting Afghan refugees.


Ingrid Chapman is an Organizer for the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO.