AFL-CIO’s ‘Labor Day Live’ starts Thursday
THURSDAY — Labor Live: The Power of the Union Economy — Sept. 3 at 9 a.m. PT
Among others, this event will feature Larry Brown, President of the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO, and Monty Anderson, Executive Secretary of the Seattle Building Trades, explaining the benefits of Seattle’s union-financed, union-built Waverly Apartments.
Join AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka for a conversation with union members who are serving on the front lines as we battle COVID-19. From teaching our kids to caring for the sick to serving our communities, these workers will share their personal journeys and discuss why we need to pass the HEROES Act to protect and support those on the job.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the incompetent federal government response has plunged our economy into the worst crisis since the Great Depression. Nearly half of all Americans say they or a member of their household have lost income as a result of the pandemic. Join AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler for a discussion with union members in some of the hardest-hit industries, as the labor movement fights for the HEROES Act and other relief for workers who have lost jobs, pay and hours through no fault of their own.
SUNDAY — Labor Live: Protecting the U.S. Postal Service and Vote By Mail — Sept. 6 at 3 p.m. PT
The U.S. Postal Service is one of America’s greatest institutions. It connects everyone all across the country—urban, suburban, rural. And our postal workers, letter carriers and mail handlers, 500,000 union members strong, are on the job and ready to deliver the mail—including all our mail-in ballots for the upcoming election. Join us for a discussion with these dedicated workers about how the labor movement is fighting back against attacks and misinformation and mobilizing for the HEROES Act, which includes $25 billion in postal funding to deal with the consequences of COVID-19.
MONDAY — Catholic Labor Network: Labor Day Mass — Sept. 7 at 11 a.m. PT
When Kentucky legislators proposed anti-union “right to work” legislation in 2017, Bishop John Stowe of the Lexington Diocese spoke out boldly in defense of Catholic social teaching on unions and worker justice. Please join us for the Catholic Labor Network’s first annual livestreamed Labor Day mass, celebrated by Bishop Stowe!