Got your Primary Election ballot? Fill it out and mail it in!
(July 23, 2020) — Got your ballot?
County auditors around Washington state mailed Primary Election ballots to voters last week, so you should have yours by now. (If you didn’t receive your ballot or misplaced it, contact your county election department.)
Union voters are being urged to fill them out right away and return them. Primary election ballots must be mailed — postage free! — or deposited into county election drop boxes by Tuesday, Aug. 4. Historically, fewer people vote in the Primary Election. So by voting, union families have an opportunity to make a real difference in deciding which candidates advance to the General Election in November.
Following are some highlights from those endorsements. Union members who want more information about why these candidates were endorsed should visit the WSLC’s Election Information page:
Beth Doglio for U.S. Representative, 10th CD
Union delegates voted to give state Rep. Beth Doglio (D-Olympia) the WSLC’s sole endorsement in the race to fill Washington’s open 10th Congressional District seat being vacated by Congressman Denny Heck.In doing so, the WSLC joins a wide array of labor unions that have endorsed Doglio, including UFCW 21 (grocery, retail, and healthcare workers), WFSE/AFSCME (state employees), IAM District 751 (machinists), Iron Workers Local 86, firefighter unions representing DuPont, Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater, Thurston County, and West Pierce County firefighters, and many others.
“In this uncertain and challenging time, working people deserve leaders in Congress they can trust to fight for them – there is no doubt that’s Beth Doglio,” said WSLC President Larry Brown. “Leading efforts to strengthen prevailing wages, allow part-time workers to organize, and protect the health of firefighters and first responders, Beth Doglio has been a champion for the needs of working people in Washington state, now we need her doing the same in Washington D.C.”
“As an activist and in the legislature, Beth Doglio has proven to be an incredible partner for our state’s workers and labor community,” said WSLC Secretary Treasurer April Sims. “With Beth’s collaborative and effective leadership in Congress, we will have a strong advocate for a robust, worker-centered agenda – someone dedicated to creating an economy where all workers can succeed and thrive – with the vision and experience to make it happen.”
Read more about Beth’s candidacy.
Path to Power Candidates for State Legislature
The WSLC’s Path to Power training program provides union members and local community activists with the tools and tips they need to run successful political campaigns and get elected in an effort to build power that will positively influence our communities. Here are some Path to Power candidates running for Washington State Legislature in 2020:
Read more about Ingrid’s candidacy.
“Suzanne Woodard offers skills and background that would be valuable to 10th District residents and to her fellow lawmakers. Her experience in nursing and health care issues can be drawn on during the consideration of related bills, including keeping health care affordable and serving those who struggle with addiction, mental health issues and homelessness. Woodard would be well-placed to protect and expand on recent efforts to improve the state’s service to those vulnerable communities, services that could be threatened in a search for budget cuts.”
Read more about Suzanne’s candidacy.
Read more about Clint’s candidacy.
Carrie has been endorsed by the (Tacoma) News Tribune, which writes:
“Bringing new blood to the 26th’s legislative delegation is consistent with the spirit of change in that district. Carrie Hesch, 47, is a Gig Harbor Democrat and state prisons professional; she runs the recreation and wellness programs at the Washington Corrections Center for Women in Purdy. She not only has an eye for waste in bureaucracy, she also has insights into the ‘vicious cycle’ of drug abuse, incarceration, homelessness and recidivism that plagues marginalized women.”
Read more about Carrie’s candidacy.
“Liz Berry was the only candidate who said she wouldn’t respond to the massive statewide budget crisis by voting to impose austerity measures next session. Her opponent, Sarah Reyneveld, told the Seattle Times that ‘essential services… must be preserved even if that means some nonessential state employees are let go,’ as the Times put it. She characterized her position on cuts a little differently in our meeting. “We can’t make the mistakes of austerity,” she said. Cutting public sector jobs is making the mistakes of austerity. Vote Berry.”
Read more about Liz’s candidacy.
AFL-CIO Central Labor Council endorsements
Most regional AFL-CIO Central Labor Councils, which make endorsements in county and city races, have not done so in 2020 because very few of those races are on the ballot in even-numbered election years. However, the Pierce County Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO has made some recommendations.
If there are local races on your ballot, check with your local Central Labor Council to see if they have any recommendations.