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See full list of WSLC’s 2020 election endorsements

UPDATE (Sept. 25, 2020) — The Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO made additional endorsements at its 2020 Convention in September. Here is the complete list of WSLC 2020 Endorsements, effective Sept. 25.



WSLC schedules special COPE Convention for Saturday, June 6


The Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO will convene a special COPE Convention — to be conducted online via video conference beginning at 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 6 — for the sole purpose of considering endorsements in congressional races for which no action was taken at the May 16 COPE Convention.

The WSLC Executive Board voted to schedule the second convention to consider endorsements in the 1st, 2nd, 6th, 8th and 9th Congressional Districts. No other races will be considered until the WSLC’s 2020 Constitutional Convention later this year.

On May 16, delegates voted to take no action and/or postpone consideration of these races to give certain unions an opportunity to address concerns about important pension legislation with some incumbent members of Congress that had arisen immediately prior to that convention. Representatives of unions that sought the postponement of those endorsements are among the WSLC Vice Presidents who voted to proceed with scheduling the June 6 special COPE Convention.

All unions affiliated with the WSLC have been sent a notice of the June 6 event and asked to appoint delegates to represent their unions. This convention will be much shorter than the daylong May 16 conference because of the limited number of races under consideration.

The WSLC urges all affiliates to pre-register online as soon as possible. Please direct any questions regarding registration and credentials to the WSLC’s Willa Kamakahi via email or by calling 206-281-8901.