IBEW’s Bryson running to serve working families of 19th LD
Assisting his union’s members inspired him to seek House seat in SW Washington
“Being able to serve our membership and advocate on behalf of Local 76 members and the labor movement as a whole has been one of the great privileges of my life,” Bryson said. “I must admit that there are some roles that I did not expect when I began this job. Assisting our union family as they struggle with addiction issues, depression, discrimination, or family issues are no less important than hours, wages and working conditions, but not as often spoken about. It is an honor to help people when they need you most and it is the part of my work that means the most to me.”
Bryson took part in the Washington State Labor Council’s Path to Power program. This training provides union members and local community activists with the tools and tips to run a successful political campaign and get elected in an effort to build power that will positively influence our communities. Now he is running as a Democrat for State Representative Pos. 1 in the 19th LD, that stretches from Aberdeen south to Long Beach and east to Longview.
He is challenging Rep. Jim Walsh (R-Aberdeen), a conservative legislator who is only the third Republican since the 1940s to represent the 19th.
Bryson, a lifelong Montesano resident and 29-year member of IBEW 76, says he is committed to “focusing on what unites us.” He plans to stand up for families and working-class issues, and to make rural economic development, education and health care all priorities.
“When I completed my apprenticeship in 1995 and became a Journeyman Inside Wireman with IBEW Local 76, both my father and grandfather encouraged my participation in my union,” Bryson said. “Both emphasized that those that came before us fought for and even died for our rights and we need to respect and protect those rights. I took that advice to heart.”
He says he has been inspired by the dedication and courage of the working families in his district during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I truly believe that all work is honorable and never in my life more than now has this been as clear,” Bryson said, adding:
“The everyday workers that are too often overlooked or taken for granted by many, are the ones holding our state and this country together during this crisis. Our first responders and healthcare workers are front and center in serving the public, but so are those who carry the mail, deliver our packages, check us out in the grocery store, and move goods in the warehouses and on our highways. As are those educators who carry on the best they can while still making sure students’ nutritional needs are met and state employees who continue their work serving the public, often from home in less than perfect scenarios. All work matters — never has this been as apparent as now. I am committed to making sure our state supports and takes care of these heroes beyond this crisis.”
These working-class heroes have inspired Bryson to work even harder on behalf of IBEW Local 76 members who are struggling with personal issues during these extraordinary times.
“I will never forget these moments, these struggles, and the ability of people to overcome these challenges,” he said. “They inform my understanding of the world and my vision for tomorrow.”
Learn more about Clint Bryson at electclintbryson.com.
Cherika Carter is Political and Strategic Campaigns Director for the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO. The WSLC has not yet taken endorsement action in this race. WSLC endorsements will be considered at the council’s Virtual COPE Convention on Saturday, May 16. Cherika can be reached at ccarter@wslc.org.
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