WA State LERC webinar series on COVID-19 issues begins April 8
The following is from the Washington State Labor and Education Research Center:
Union activists know how to advocate to enforce our contract wins. We have not all learned how to navigate the complex world of workers’ rights advocacy outside our workplace. Join other union members, stewards, and community and student activists to learn the answers to questions you have.
The Washington State Labor and Education Research Center is hosting a webinar series that will be free to the public, but does require pre-registration. To join us, please register here:
The first webinar on Unemployment Issues will be Wednesday April 8 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Guests will include Matt Buelow of the Employment Security Department and John Tirpak of the Unemployment Law Project. They will discuss the new state and federal supports for Washington workers who have lost their jobs, had their hours reduced, or are unable to work due to being quarantined amid this pandemic.
Additional webinars are planned, starting at 5:30 p.m., on the following four Thursday evenings:
● Paid Sick Leave & Family Medical Leave — Thursday, April 16
● Housing Security — Thursday, April 23
● Health Care Options — Thursday, April 30
● Worker Training and Retraining Opportunities — Thursday May 7
For more information about the webinar series, contact David West, Research Analyst for the Washington State Labor Education and Research Center via email or at 206-934-5380.