Attend forum on I-1000/R88 on Sept. 26 in Seattle
SEATTLE — All are invited to an open public forum on I-1000/R88 on the November ballot to restore equity and opportunity for veterans, small business owners, and communities of color across Washington state. It will be Thursday, Sept. 26 at 6 p.m. at China Harbor, 2040 Westlake Ave N.
Thursday’s forum will feature former Gov. Gary Locke, who also served as Secretary of Commerce and Ambassador to China; Larry Gossett, King County Councilmember; and Ed Lazowska, Bill & Melinda Gates Chair in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. The event is hosted by the Washington Fairness campaign, representing a broad coalition of hundreds of community organizations, unions and businesses in support of Initiative 1000/Referendum 88. (See the Facebook event page for more details or to RSVP.)
Last year, nearly 400,000 voters petitioned lawmakers to support I-1000 to restore fairness and opportunity to Washington’s public employment, contracting, and education enrollment policies. Under I-1000, quotas and preferential treatment would remain prohibited, but it would allow outreach and recruitment of veterans, women, minorities and others who are too often left behind in government hiring, contracting and education. The Washington State Legislature passed I-1000, but now voters must also approve it.
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