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Join #EverybodyOrganize training June 22 in Tacoma

TACOMA — Tacoma DSA and the Pierce County Central Labor Council are back with another workshop in their #EverybodyOrganize series. This training, a continuation of the “Organizing Under Janus” series that began last year, will be Saturday, June 22 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Tacoma Education Association Conference Room, 3049 S. 36th St., 3rd Floor, in Tacoma.

Rank-and-file union activists, shop stewards, local officers and staff, and unorganized workers looking to start a union are all invited to attend as participants learn about labor and community organizing and turning issues into campaigns. Jonathan Rosenblum, longtime organizer and author of Beyond $15: Immigrant Workers, Faith Activists, and the Revival of the Labor Movement, will participate in the training.

Snacks and refreshments will be provided, and the event is free — but to participate you MUST click here to register in advance. The training will be followed by a social hour nearby (location TBD).

If you know an unorganized worker looking to learn the basics of workplace organizing, encourage them to start attending this series, come to their socials, and meet activists involved in their unions and looking to help the union movement grow and rebuild workers power.

Questions? Email Zack Pattin or visit the #EverybodyOrganize Facebook event page.