Salaried? It may cost you basic protections
Half a million workers stand to gain if Washington state updates an obscure administrative rule from the 1970s.
OLYMPIA (Oct. 30, 2018) — It’s been 42 years since Washington set the threshold at $250 per week, or $13,000 per year, that determines which salaried employees are exempt from the protections of minimum wage, sick leave, and overtime laws. That’s the equivalent of working about 22 hours a week at today’s minimum wage.
But many salaried employees don’t get these protections.
In theory, people in “white collar” positions paid salaries above the threshold still qualify for these protections if their job duties don’t include a significant amount of discretion and decision-making. The state’s official explanation of how to determine if someone’s duties qualify as exempt is 26 pages long.
Quick show of hands – who out there who’s ever been paid a salary has read the job duties that define whether or not you’re actually exempt?
Restoring the threshold to the historic level of three times Washington’s minimum wage would provide a livable salary for small families in moderately priced parts of the state, but remain insufficient to support a single parent with two children in King and Snohomish counties.
As overdue as an update to the salary rule is, a number of business lobby associations and some nonprofit employers, including the Boys and Girls Club, are opposing an increase to a livable-wage level. Raising the threshold does not require any employer in the state to raise salaries. It only requires employers to appropriately compensate lower- and middle-income workers for time worked in excess of 40 hours in a week and to provide access to paid sick and safe time without imposing penalties.
We live in a time when many struggle to achieve basic economic security and salaried employees are often expected to both work long hours and check email 24/7. It’s high time the state acted to ensure most workers have the right to a little extra compensation for long hours and the right to sometimes disconnect from work.
For more information, check out the EOI’s new report, “Time Is Money, Unless You’re Salaried: Washington’s Minimum Wage, Sick Leave, and Overtime Laws Haven’t Been Updated in 40 Years.”
TAKE A STAND — Click here to submit comments to L&I in support of raising the overtime pay exemption threshold to 2.5 to 3 times the state minimum wage. Feedback can also be submitted via email to EAPRules@Lni.wa.gov.