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Tell Inslee: Fair pay, affordable health care for state employees

(Aug. 9, 2018) — Today, members of the Washington Federation of State Employees, AFSCME Council 28 are having a Fair Pay and Real Opportunity Day of Action with WFSE bargaining teams that are currently negotiating wages, rights and working conditions holding Unity Breaks across the state.

TAKE A STAND — All union members and community supporters of quality public services can stand in unity with state employees today by contacting Gov. Jay Inslee. Send an email to the governor urging him to agree to fair pay and affordable health care for all state employees. And tell him it’s time to address their rising out-of-pocket costs.

Washington’s dedicated state employees care for the sick and elderly, keep our communities safe, maintain our roads, protect our parks and environment, and provide many other essential public services. But WFSE reports that 87% of our state employees are behind market rate for wages.

That’s partly because of pay cuts, freezes and other sacrifices these public employees made during the last economic downturn. It’s time to close the gap on pay for state employees!

Please send an email to Gov. Inslee today urging him to agree to fair pay and affordable health care for all state employees.