WSLC’s Race & Labor Summit is Sept. 14-15 in Seattle
Since WSLC delegates approved Resolution #12 at its 2015 Convention, the organization has been engaged with its affiliates in a deep-dive conversation about racial justice and equity.
The WSLC has been working with community partners, nationally acclaimed labor educator and writer Bill Fletcher, Jr., and the Washington State Labor Education and Research Center to develop a Race and Labor workshop. This workshop examines the history of the labor movement and participants collectively tackle racism in organized labor. WSLC staff and Bill Fletcher, Jr. will convene this Race and Labor Summit.
“We believe that, with a commitment from union leaders to participate, we can move the dial on ending racial inequities and xenophobia in the labor movement,” said WSLC President Jeff Johnson. “This is extremely important work for us.”
Young labor activists of color and allies from around the state will meet at the summit to address key issues surrounding race in organized labor. It will include presentations and panels by labor leaders and breakout exercises to identify, discuss and tackle stress points regarding race and labor. Finally, it will conclude with the creation of a best practices toolkit that will be disseminated to all affiliated unions across Washington state.
For more information, email Amy Woodward or call her at 206-254-4920.