Labor 2018 kickoff is June 23 in Longview
AFL-CIO state federations across the country will be hosting kickoff events for Labor 2018 this Saturday, June 23. Union members will fan out into neighborhoods and talk to their co-workers and other union members about labor values and the importance of having our voice heard in November.
June 23 is about conveying our values to our voters. It’s about hearing directly from them about what’s most important in their lives. Working people must feel invested in our campaign for it to succeed.
It will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 23 in Longview at the covered picnic area at Lake Sacajawea, 16th Ave. and Nichols Blvd. Meet Erin and then canvass to help spread the word about why she is the best candidate for working families. Download and share the event flier. For more information, email the WSLC’s Cherika Carter or call her at 206-384-1133.
Other volunteer opportunities with the Labor 2018 program include:
PHONE BANKS — Weekly phone banks on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays will begin this Tuesday, June 19 at the Machinists 751 Hall, 9125 15th Pl. S. in Seattle, with shifts from 4 to 6 p.m. and from 6 to 8 p.m. each night.
MORE CANVASSING — It’s early days but canvassing dates are planned from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on June 30 in the 26th LD, July 14 in the 29th LD, Aug. 4 in the 48th LD, and the Laborers Union (LIUNA) plans Days of Action on Aug. 4 (29th LD) and Aug. 5 (19th LD).
Stay tuned to The Stand as details are announced.