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Submit nominations for 2018 labor awards

WENATCHEE (May 8, 2018) — Each year at its annual convention, the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO presents awards recognizing the efforts and accomplishments of specific union organizations and individual union members. As the deadline for award nominations approach, the WSLC is calling on its affiliated unions to submit names for consideration.

The deadline for nominations for all awards and scholarships is June 1, 2018.

Following are descriptions of the awards that will be presented at the WSLC’s 2018 Constitutional Convention in Wenatchee on July 17-19 at the Coast Wenatchee Hotel and Convention Center. (Follow the links to download nomination forms.)


The WSLC Mother Jones Award has been recognized for decades as the state labor movement’s award that recognizes our own members in their struggle for dignity and respect for all working men and women in our state. Traditionally, two awards are given, one to an individual and one to an organization. Candidates for the award will best exemplify the tradition of Mary “Mother” Jones’ immortal statement, “Mourn for the dead, but fight like hell for the living!”

Above, the 2017 Mother Jones Award for an individual was presented to Jason Holland, a staff member for Washington Public Employees Association/UFCW, for his tireless efforts to support Familias Unidas por la Justicia’s organizing campaign at Sakuma Brothers Farms. The organizational Mother Jones award was presented to the leadership and members of the Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers Local 155, representing employees at the Nippon plant in Port Angeles.

The WSLC Economic Development, Job Retention, and Transportation Committee reviews nominations and recommends recipients for this award to the WSLC Executive Board. If you have questions about this award, contact EDJRT Committee staff liaison Bill Messenger ( or 360-357-8736.


The WSLC Education, Training and Apprenticeship Committee gives an annual “Bruce Brennan Memorial Award” to the individual who has contributed the most to further the cause of apprenticeship, education and training in Washington state.

In 2017, T. Paul Schell of IBEW Local 77 was presented the Bruce Brennan Award for his extraordinary contributions to advancing education and apprenticeship in the state labor movement.

For more information or if you have questions about this award, contact ETA Committee staff liaison Caitlyn Jekel at or 360-705-9469.


The WSLC Women’s Committee presents this award for the advancement of women in leadership roles and/or for activism on behalf of women within the labor movement. The Elsie Schrader Award honors the advancement of women in leadership roles and/or for activism on behalf of women within the labor movement.

Last year, the Elsie Schrader Award went to Joan Weiss, Labor Liaison for the community and technical colleges in King County, for decades of successfully recruiting union members and leaders to take active roles in the committees and boards governing those colleges.

For more information or if you have questions about this award, contact Women’s Committee staff liaison April Sims ( or 206-254-4909.