Tell Congress to vote ‘NO’ on Republican tax scam
UPDATE (Nov. 16, 2017) — The U.S. House of Representatives voted today to approve the Republican tax plan, 227-205. Thirteen Republicans voted against the bill, and zero Democrats voted for it. All four Republicans from Washington state — Reps. Dave Reichert, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Dan Newhouse and Cathy McMorris Rodgers — voted “yes” on this tax giveaway to corporations and the wealthy, financed by middle-class tax increases and our children and grandchildren.
The following message is from the AFL-CIO:
(Nov. 14, 2017) — There’s a lot of talk in the news about the GOP’s proposed tax bill. The people pushing it want working people to believe this plan will benefit working people. That’s just not true.
Click here to be connected with your representative and urge them to reject the GOP tax bill.
Incredibly, the Republican bill would give huge breaks to companies that outsource jobs. Instead of creating good jobs here at home, this bill only will encourage corporations to relocate good jobs overseas.
This bill also slashes deductions for state and local taxes. That means it will be harder for individual states to fund things like high-quality education and infrastructure projects. This will cost millions of jobs and chip away at the services we need to improve our quality of life.
Working families should not get stuck with the tab to fund a giveaway for Wall Street, corporations and millionaires. The Republican tax bill will be up for congressional vote soon, and it’s important we make our voices heard now.