Call Congress to stop latest health care attack
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Sept. 18, 2017) — They’re ba-ack.
Republicans in the U.S. Senate are making a last-ditch attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act before the Sept. 30 deadline to do so through a simple majority party-line vote. The Graham-Cassidy bill is being marketed as a “moderate” approach, but it is just as cruel as the GOP’s previous failed efforts. It will cause tens of millions of Americans to lose health insurance coverage, allow insurers to charge much more for the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions, and slash billions from Medicaid.
Here’s the latest on this…
► In today’s NY Times — Complacency could kill heath care (by Paul Krugman) — The sponsors of the Graham-Cassidy bill now working its way toward a Senate vote claim to be offering a moderate approach that preserves the good things about Obamacare. In other words, they are maintaining the G.O.P. norm of lying both about the content of Obamacare and about what would replace it. In reality, Graham-Cassidy is the opposite of moderate. It contains, in exaggerated and almost caricature form, all the elements that made previous Republican proposals so cruel and destructive. It would eliminate the individual mandate, undermine if not effectively eliminate protection for people with pre-existing conditions, and slash funding for subsidies and Medicaid.
► In today’s Washington Post — Before tackling single-payer, save Obamacare (by Robert Samuelson) — All who care about the expansion of health-care coverage need to focus their energies on defeating this latest attack on Obamacare. However we eventually arrive at universal coverage, which we must, it will be far easier to get there by building on the ACA.