Tell Congress: Don’t put economy at risk by deregulating banks
TAKE A STAND — We need to keep our wallets and economy safe by opposing the Financial CHOICE Act and any other assaults on Dodd-Frank and the CFPB. Watch this video, click here to send your U.S. Representative a message urging opposition to the Financial CHOICE Act, and then share this post with friends and family. This video was produced by WashPIRG, in conjunction with the Washington State Labor Council, Washington State Association of Justice, Statewide Poverty Action Network, and OneAmerica.
In just under six years, the CFPB has restored order to financial markets wrecked by weak regulation, unfair practices and bad financial products. And the young agency has already returned $11.8 billion to 29 million harmed consumers. The Wrong CHOICE Act would allow Wall Street banks to gamble again, turn back the clock on consumer protections, even getting rid of safeguards we had before 2008, risking the need for yet another taxpayer bailout.
Please watch and share the video above, and then TAKE A STAND by contacting your U.S. Representative about this today. Thank you.