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Tell Senators: Oppose S. 1094 attack on VA workers’ rights

The following is from the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE):

WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 22, 2017) — Right now, the Senate is working on one of the most extreme anti-worker bills we’ve seen yet. This bill, S. 1094, attacks official time, one of federal employees’ core union rights. AFGE uses official time to help employees get fair representation in workplace disputes.

This bill would dismantle due process protections and makes it easier than ever to unfairly fire workers in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. It would leave less time for targeted workers to gather evidence and defend themselves, and would take away the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board’s power to stop overly harsh sentencing.

This bill would also have consequences beyond the VA. If it passes in this agency, it would set a dangerous precedent in making all government workers “at will.”

TAKE A STAND — The American Federation of Government Employees is urging all union members and community supporters to help stop this bill in its tracks. Click here to write your Senators NOW and tell them: please oppose S. 1094, and focus on filling vacancies in the VA instead of punishing VA workers.