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Lacking votes, House Republicans pull Trumpcare bill

Public outcry, plummeting polls doomed Republican repeal of ACA


UPDATE (2 p.m. March 24, 2017) — In a dramatic conclusion to the Republican effort to repeal and replace President Obama’s signature health care law, the Affordable Care Act, GOP leaders this afternoon pulled their “Trumpcare” bill because they lacked the votes to pass it in the House of Representatives, a chamber that they control by a 40-plus vote margin.

All six Democratic members of Washington’s congressional delegation were strongly opposed to the bill. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-3rd) announced Thursday that she opposed the bill and there were no indications that she changed her position today. As support began to wane for the bill on Thursday, Rep. Dave Reichert (R-8th), who had already voted in favor of Trumpcare in committee, announced he was switching to “undecided.” After the bill was pulled, Reichert wouldn’t say how he would have voted today. Both Reps. Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Dan Newhouse were on whip lists as “yes” votes.

THANK YOU to the thousands of people in Washington state who contacted their members of Congress to urge them to vote NO on this horrible bill!

► This afternoon in the Washington Post — House Republican leaders abruptly pull their rewrite of the nation’s health-care law — House Republican leaders abruptly pulled a rewrite of the nation’s health-care system from consideration on Friday, a dramatic acknowledgment that they are so far unable to repeal the Affordable Care Act. In a news conference shortly after the decision, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) conceded that his party “came up short.” The decision came a day after Trump delivered an ultimatum to lawmakers — and represented multiple failures for the new president and Ryan.


House vote expected Friday by 2 p.m.; outcome is still in doubt


UPDATE (March 24, 2017) — After delaying the vote on the Republican plan known as “Trumpcare” to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act on Thursday, President Trump has delivered an ultimatum to House Republicans to pass it today or never. The U.S. House is expected to vote on it today (Friday) by 2 p.m. Pacific time.

In truth, they aren’t even sure what they are voting on because of changes made late Thursday night, but they did get an updated assessment from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office that finds the revised Trumpcare bill scores even worse than the original: it will still lead to 24 million more people uninsured by 2026, but now it contains significantly less deficit reduction. Meanwhile, already weak support for Trumpcare has plummeted as more people have learned its details. Thursday’s Quinnipiac poll found just 17 percent of voters support it, and only 6 percent support it strongly.

Although Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-3rd) announced Thursday she would vote “no” and Rep. Dave Reichert (R-8th) now says he is reconsidering his support and is now “undecided” because of changes made to the bill, the AFL-CIO tells The Stand that both are facing extreme pressure from President Trump and House Republican leaders to switch their votes back to “yes” today. Will they cave?

Click here to call now or dial 866-829-3298 to tell your representative to VOTE NO on the Republican health care bill because we need a plan that expands coverage for more working people instead of putting high-quality care out of reach. Tell them: “This bill would be a disaster for working people like myself and would only benefit the super-rich and corporate CEOs. We need a health care plan that expands coverage for everyone, not one that cuts it.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 22, 2017) — This is it. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) confirmed he will be bringing “Trumpcare,” the terrible Republican health care bill, up for a vote on Thursday.

Thursday’s vote is expected to be very close and there is still some question about whether it has the votes to pass. Every single vote in favor of this bill could be the one that puts it over the top. In Washington state, at least one Republican U.S. Representative is reportedly on the fence about how to vote. That’s why your U.S. Representative — Republican or Democrat — needs to hear from you TODAY.

Click here to call now or dial 866-829-3298 to tell your representative to VOTE NO on the Republican health care bill because we need a plan that expands coverage for more working people instead of putting high-quality care out of reach. Tell them: “This bill would be a disaster for working people like myself and would only benefit the super-rich and corporate CEOs. We need a health care plan that expands coverage for everyone, not one that cuts it.”

BACKGROUND — The Congressional Budget Office released its score on this horrible legislation and it found that 24 million people would have their health care benefits taken away by 2026. Too many families in Washington state and across the country would be forced to make the unthinkable choice of either going to the doctor and paying for prescription drugs when someone gets sick or paying rent and buying groceries.

Right now, Ryan, Trump and Republican leaders are scrambling to get the votes they need to pass this bill. But they are trying to appease right-wing conservatives and alter the bill in ways that will make it even worse and eliminate coverage sooner for working families!

There are tens of millions of people who will be hurt by this bill. This bill does nothing to stop the skyrocketing prices of medical care and prescription drugs and hurts millions of working people with a tax if they get their health care through their employer.

The only winners in this bill are the super-rich and CEOs from health care corporations who are going to get a huge tax break. Analysis of the bill shows that 40% of the tax giveaways in this bill would go to the richest 1% and more than $300 billion in tax breaks will go to insurance companies, drug companies, medical device companies and health care CEOs.

This bill is not about making sure everyone has the right to quality, affordable care. It’s a huge shift of money to the wealthy and a part of a broader plan to gut Medicare and Medicaid benefits that Republicans have been pursuing for years now.

We need to do everything we can to not only protect the health care people have now but to also expand coverage, so more people have access to high-quality care.

Call now and tell your representative to oppose the Republican health care bill.