Buy Union for your Super Bowl gatherings
(Feb. 1, 2017) — Our beloved Seattle Seahawks didn’t make it to the Super Bowl this year, but many of us will still be among the millions of who will tune in to watch Super Bowl LI between the Atlanta Falcons and the New England Patriots this Sunday. In fact, many of will be hosting or attending parties to watch. So it’s a great opportunity to support good jobs by buying union-made products.
Our friends at the Pierce County Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO have shared a great list of union snacks and beverages to put on your shopping list for your Super Bowl gatherings. The list includes everything from Vlasic pickles to Foster Farms chicken wings, from Johnsonville brauts to Pace picante sauce, from Coca Cola to Budweiser.
Nabisco note: Remember to CHECK THE LABEL on Oreos and all Nabisco-brand products and DO NOT BUY Made-in-Mexico Nabisco products. Find out how here.
Please print, use and share this union-made Super Bowl shopping list.
The Washington State Labor Council’s Union Goods and Services Committee has asked The Stand to regularly post lists of union products to help inform rank-and-file members and supporters what they can buy to support good family-wage jobs. For more such lists, see The Stand’s Buy Union section.