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Call Congress TODAY, tell them: Hands Off Medicare!

UPDATE (Jan. 4, 2017) — Today is the day! Join the Alliance for Retired Americans and Medicare supporters across the nation in calling your U.S. Representative TODAY! Tell them to stand up to House Speaker Paul Ryan and keep their “Hands Off Medicare!” Call 866-828-4162 and tell your Representative that cuts to Medicare and Medicaid are unacceptable!

The following is a call to action from the Alliance for Retired Americans:


WASHINGTON, D.C. — It’s urgent. With Republicans in charge of Congress and the executive branch, retirees are in facing most hostile political climate we’ve seen in a generation. We need all hands on deck. Make a commitment today. Sign up to call Congress on Jan. 4th and tell them Hands Off Medicare!

Paul Ryan and Donald Trump’s nominees for Secretary of HHS and Director of the Office of Management and Budget are preparing to measures to privatize and voucherize Medicare in early 2017. They want to cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans and big corporations and plan to gut seniors’ health care to pay for it.

Our elected representatives need to hear that a vote to privatize Medicare is a betrayal of their constituents. We have paid for Medicare’s guaranteed health benefits throughout our working lives and we will fight to protect it for current and future retirees.

Please click and sign up to call Congress on Wednesday, January 4.

Thank you for your support,

Rich Fiesta

Executive Director
Alliance for Retired Americans

For more information, see the ARA’s Medicare fact sheet.