Join us Friday to celebrate Familias’ victoria!
In an historic secret ballot election in September, farmworkers at Sakuma Brothers Farms overwhelmingly voted (77% majority) for representation by FUJ, a WSLC-affiliated independent farmworker union. The FUJ, led by indigenous farm workers, represents more than 500 Triqui, Mixteco, and Spanish-speaking workers. The union has now entered union contract negotiations and has called off its boycott of Driscoll’s and Sakuma products.
“This has been an inspirational victory, not just for the workers who’ve struggled to form a union with Familias Unidas por la Justicia, but also for the rest of Washington’s labor movement,” said WSLC President Jeff Johnson. “The powerful and tireless organizing of Familias, and the courage and leadership demonstrated by these workers, shows all of us what is possible when we stand up together to build worker power. It’s something we need to celebrate — and all are invited to join us.”
Friday’s reception will include representatives of both FUJ and Community-to-Community Development (C2C), which supported FUJ throughout their struggle. They will share their perspectives on this victory, and the struggles to come. The event is sponsored by Community Alliance for Global Justice, UFCW 21, and the Washington State Labor Council , AFL-CIO. Please RSVP via email if you plan to attend.
The reception is free to the public, but individuals and organizations are urged to support the growing movement for farmworker justice in Washington state by contributing to support the newly developed C2C Organizing Fellowship. Donate NOW online or send checks to C2C, 203 West Holly Street, Suite 317, Bellingham, WA, 98225. See the C2C website at FoodJustice.org for more details.
If you have questions about Friday’s reception, please email Heather Day at 206-724-2243. Thank you!