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Social Justice Film Festival being held Oct. 14-25 in Seattle


social-justice-filmSEATTLE — This Friday, Oct. 14, the Social Justice Film Festival returns to Seattle and runs through Oct. 25. The lineup includes films from around the world, focusing especially on social justice through a racial justice lens.

The festival takes on five themes throughout the week: Black Lives Matter; Immigration; Indigenous Rights; International; NW Voices; and Worker Justice. The line-up is beautiful — and each evening’s set includes time for discussion.

Though we might have wished this year’s festival was in May — MayWorks! — the timing is really perfect for 2016. As ballots are dropping for this big election, it’s good to be reminded of the reasons we fight for social justice, and why we work to elect candidates who will champion human rights.

alfaro-ericWe’re particularly inspired that the WSLC’s own Legislative and Policy Director, Eric González Alfaro (pictured at left), will be on the opening night panel on worker justice, Friday, Oct. 14 from 6:15 to 10 p.m. at University Christian Church, 4731 15th Ave. NE in Seattle. Friday’s feature film is East of Salinas, which follows an undocumented 3rd grader who dreams of becoming an engineer. (See the trailer.) Also screened will be the short films, Poison Control and Limpiadores. Read more about Friday’s lineup here.

Check out the festival’s full schedule of films and discussion topics here. Also, watch this excellent preview of the festival. See you there!


15-dodson-lynneLynne Dodson is Secretary Treasurer of the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO.