Labor call to action May 4-5 in Vancouver
Calling all area unions for voter registration drive, Labor Neighbor walk
The following is from Labor Neighbor, the Washington State Labor Council’s grassroots member-to-member political action program:
(April 27, 2016) — The real needs and concerns of working families in Vancouver and Clark County are being ignored in Olympia. Washington, D.C.-style partisan politics and gridlock there — particularly in the Washington State Senate — are killing efforts to create good jobs, raise wages, and improve our quality of life. But this year, we can do something about it.
When Probst last ran for State Senate in the 17th Legislative District, he lost by just 76 votes. This year, Vancouver’s union families are going to make sure they send Tim Probst to Olympia. The Southwest Washington Central Labor Council and the Washington State Labor Council are calling for Vancouver union members to join them for two important events:
Wednesday, May 4 — VOTER REGISTRATION TRAINING from 6 to 7:15 p.m. at the Laborers Local 335 Hall, 2212 N.E. Andresen Road in Vancouver. During the regular SW Washington CLC meeting, there will be voter registration training to learn how to sign up fellow union members in the 17th Legislative District who are not registered or are inactive voters.
Download a printable flier with all this information, and please post it and share it with members of your union. Help spread the word that it’s time for a change in Olympia. And we can make it happen!
For more information, contact SW Washington CLC President Shannon Walker at 360-761-8922 or WSLC Field Mobilization Director April Sims at 253-441-5113.