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Urge Inslee to fairly fund public services

UPDATE — WFSE reports that Gov. Jay Inslee got your message and on Dec. 17 delivered a 2016 supplemental budget proposal that reflects the many messages that state employees and their supporters sent and values they voiced. (Visit for details.)

PSM-WFSE-contract-signing-frontOLYMPIA — The Washington Federation of State Employees, AFSCME Council 28 is conducting a Statewide Day of Action on Thursday, Dec. 3 to get members, other public employees and their supporters to contact Gov. Jay Inslee and urge him to fund public services in his 2016-17 supplemental budget proposal due later this month.

TAKE A STAND — You don’t need to wait until tomorrow. Go ahead and send an email to the governor today asking him to fairly fund public services.

The state is facing some unexpected costs such as a record-setting wildfire season, court-mandated funding increases for Washington’s public schools, and increased demands for public services. In fact, mandatory state funding levels to maintain current programs has grown by almost $700 million.

There is simply not enough money in the current state budget. Governor Inslee and state legislators will need to make some tough decisions about priorities for Washington.

During the 2015 legislative session, public employees stood up and made their voices heard in the #PublicServiceMatters campaign. In the end, state employees got their first raises in seven years.

It is time to stand up and be heard once again by reminding state lawmakers to honor the people who keep our communities safe, care for the elderly and disabled, teach and protect our children, maintain our roads, and provide other essential services.

Please send your email today.

For more information about Thursday’s Day of Action, visit the WFSE website.