Familias Unidas por la Justicia affiliates with the WSLC
Familias has won the hearts of so many of our unions and community allies as they struggle for a voice at the workplace at Sakuma Brothers farms in Skagit County. This feisty union has already launched a boycott of Sakuma and Driscoll berries and has won a Washington State Supreme Court decision requiring Sakuma to pay workers for rest breaks despite the piece rate system of paying wages.
FUJ President Ramon Torres said: “Los campesinos que son miembros de Familias Unidas por la Justicia ahora si entendemos que es solidaridad. Las unions del WSLC nos han aporyado con hechois no nomas palabras, por eso nos sentimos orgullosos ser parte de ellos.”
[“The farm workers that are members of FUJ now understand what solidarity is. The unions of the WSLC have supported us with action not just words. That is why we are proud to be members of the WSLC, because we know this is how we will win a union contract at Sakuma Farms.”]
Si se puede!