Order your 2016 Pacific NW Labor History calendars now
(Sept. 9, 2015) — The Pacific Northwest Labor History Association (PNLHA) produces a colorful labor history calendar with more than 35 pictures. The 36th edition is available this month.
This is the longest produced labor history calendar in the country. Almost every calendar day lists an historic event that has affected or affects the lives of working people. The calendar has been welcome in union homes and workplaces since its inception in 1979, and has been educational for families and co-workers. Unions and unionists are encouraged to purchase and display this calendar in their workplaces and homes. (See details on how to order below.)
The calendar features photos like these. (Clockwise from top left.)
Jeff Johnson, President, WSLC, rallies striking Tesoro refinery workers, Anacortes, WA, May 21, 2015. The workers are members of United Steelworkers, Local 12-591. Photo by D. Nolan Groves
A fine spring afternoon in 1971, Seattle teachers are picketing to pressure the school board to provide what students need — that which is needed to provide an educated society. Photo by Don Wallen
Lurelee Lorenzen recently graduated as a manufacturing machinist. Word has it that she is a very dynamic member of IAM District Lodge 751 — strong and outspoken! Photo courtesy of IAM 751
Many of our unions custom imprint their calendars with officers’ names, website addresses, phone numbers, or union slogans. The custom imprint appears on each calendar page and is available on orders of 150 or more calendars.
If you are interested in purchasing the 2016 PNLHA Calendar, please email Ross Rieder or call him at 206-406-2604. Here are the quantity/pricing information:
1 — $15.00 (incl. postage) — Imprint N/A
2-49 — $11.00 each — Imprint N/A
50-149 — $6.95 each — Imprint N/A
150-299 — $5.90 each — w/Imprint $6.80 each
300-499 — $5.50 each — w/Imprint $6.20 each
450-699 — $5.20 each — w/Imprint $5.70 each
700+ — $5.00 each — w/Imprint $5.40 each
Unless otherwise indicated, prices do not include shipping.
The Pacific Northwest Labor History Association is a non-profit association dedicated to preserving the history and heritage of workers in the Pacific Northwest. They consider the “Pacific Northwest” to be British Columbia, Oregon and Washington.