
WSLC seeks rank-and-file committee nominees

(Oct. 31, 2014) — All union organizations affiliated with the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO are encouraged to nominate members to the WSLC’s standing committees. As of Dec. 31, 2014, there will be vacancies of terms expiring on the following active, high-profile committees:

►  Diversity Committee (6)
►  DOSH / Industrial Insurance Monitoring Committee (6)
►  Economic Development, Job Retention & Transportation (6)
►  Education, Training & Apprenticeship (6)
►  Union Goods and Services (10)
►  Women’s Committee (6)

Nominations will only be accepted from affiliated local unions and councils. Nominees must be active members of an affiliated local union. Current committee members may be reappointed. Background information about nominees will be helpful in making appointment decisions. All nominations must identify the local union membership of the nominee. Please include a home address, daytime phone number, and legislative district for each nominee.

Download the committee nomination form.

The WSLC hosts committee members for lunch or dinner in connection with meetings and reimburses members for travel expenses. The Council does not pay for time lost from work to attend committee meetings.

Being appointed to a WSLC standing committee is both an honor and an obligation. Members are expected to participate in committee meetings and programs. Committee members will have an opportunity to meet members of other unions about issues of concern to organized labor and help develop policy recommendations for the WSLC. Members should also expect to work with WSLC officers and staff to increase affiliation with the WSLC.

Please submit your nominations by Jan. 20, 2015. Any committee member whose term expires Dec. 31, 2014, and wants to be reappointed to that committee, must submit their name.

If you need further information, please call the WSLC at 206-281-8901.

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