WSLC’s Seattle office has moved across town
The old address was: 314 1st Ave. West, Seattle, WA, 98119 (pictured upper right)
The new address is: 321 16th Ave. South, Seattle, WA, 98144 (pictured below)
“We’re excited about moving to our new office located just where the Central and International Districts meet in Seattle,” said WSLC Secretary-Treasurer Lynne Dodson. “We have wonderful new meeting space that can accommodate more people and a lovely exterior that is perfect for a labor mural depicting the history of our movement in Washington state. We’re at 16th & Jackson, the former home of IBEW Local 77. And we’ll be sure to throw a warm open house once we’re settled in!”
The WSLC’s main Seattle phone number — 206-281-8901 and 1-800-542-0904 — has not changed, nor will the direct-line phone numbers of staff based in Seattle.