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Labor’s Voice phone banks begin for Primary Election

Labors-Voice-logo-WSLC-web(July 7, 2014) — Labor’s Voice is the new, improved, expanded version of the Washington State Labor Council’s Labor Neighbor grassroots political action program. This summer and fall, union volunteers will be reaching out to ALL voters — not just union households — to explain which candidates have earned working families’ support. And the action begins this week!

TAKE A STAND — The first phone bank activities for the Primary Election begin tomorrow (Tuesday, July 8). Check out the schedule of phone banks and neighborhood walks in Clark, King, Pierce, Snohomish, Spokane, Thurston and Whatcom counties. Then volunteer online to participate, of for more information, contact WSLC Field Mobilization Director Lori Province via email or by calling 206-351-2956.

The ambitious goal of Labor’s Voice is not only to target multiple legislative races across the state but to recruit at least 1% of every affiliated union’s members to volunteer for activities at least once. That means you can help your union reach that goal by volunteering now and recruiting a co-worker or two to do the same.

LV-frontIf you have any questions about Labor’s Voice or the schedule, contact WSLC Field Mobilization Director Lori Province via email or by calling 206-351-2956.

In June, WSLC Political Organizer/Intern Regan McBride conducted hour-long trainings for unions covering best practices for volunteer recruitment, including setting and reaching shift goals, how to retain volunteers, and how to track them in the LAN. And she’ll be doing another round of volunteer recruitment trainings in August. Contact her now via email or by calling 206-254-4928 to schedule one of these important trainings at your local union and get all your questions answered about how to get — and keep — your union’s members engaged in the political process.

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