Senate work session on April 8 to address retirement insecurity
A vast majority of these employees will never be able to save enough money to retire and will work until they die. The baby boomer generation amplifies the problem; if boomers do not have adequate retirement savings, they will become more and more reliant on state services, which in turn will cost tax payers and the state a lot of money.
To address these concerns, key legislators in the Washington State Senate have scheduled a work session on Tuesday, April 8 from 10 a.m. to noon in House Hearing Room A of the John L. O’Brien Building, 504 15th Ave. SE, in Olympia.
Participants will include Sen. Steve Conway (D-South Tacoma), Sen. Karen Keiser (D-Kent), Sen. Bob Hasegawa (D-Seattle), Sen. Maralyn Chase (D-Shoreline), Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles (D-Seattle); plus Diane Oakley, Executive Director, National Institute on Retirement Security; Professor Teresa Ghilarducci, Director Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, The New School For Social Research; Terry Gardiner, VP Policy and Strategy, Small Business Majority; and Ingrid McDonald, Advocacy Director, AARP Washington.
For more information, contact Jon Fowler of the Senate Democratic Caucus at 360-786-7535.