Your vote counts even more this year… use it!

(Nov. 5, 2013) — It’s Election Day so, um… VOTE!

Secretary of State Kim Wyman’s office predicts that barely more than half of Washington’s voters will bother participating the this year’s election. And some areas of the state are hoping a mere 40% of registered voters cast their ballots.

That means your vote will count even more as races and ballot measures are decided by small percentage of registered voters. So find that ballot, fill it out and turn it in!

Visit the state’s MyVote page to find your nearest ballot drop box, where it must be delivered by 8 p.m. TODAY.  You can also mail it in, but it must be postmarked today to be counted.

The Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO, the state’s largest union organization, has made the following election endorsements: (The WSLC only endorses candidates for statewide and state legislative races.)

YES on Initiative 522 concerning the labeling of genetically engineered foods. Learn more here.

STATE SENATE, 8th LD: Phillip Lemley (R)

STATE SENATE, 26th LD: Nathan Schlicher (D) – Union members can click here to download a candidate comparison flier for the 26th LD race between Nathan Schlicher and Jan Angel.

Here are the lists of recommendations and endorsements in city, county and municipal races made by some of the AFL-CIO Central Labor Councils around the state:

M.L. King County Labor Council

Northwest Washington Central Labor Council (Whatcom, Skagit, San Juan)

Pierce County Central Labor Council

Snohomish County Labor Council

Southwest Washington Central Labor Council (Clark, Skamania and Klickitat)

Thurston-Lewis-Mason Central Labor Council

If you don’t see your labor council listed here or if you have additional questions, contact your local Central Labor Council for more information.

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