
Tell WSLC what to do: Submit 2013 Convention resolutions

bridgeVANCOUVER (June 17, 2013) — You say you want a resolution, well you know…

The 2013 Convention of the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO, the state’s largest union organization, will be Thursday through Saturday, July 25-27 at the Vancouver Hilton Hotel and Convention Center. But now is the time for the WSLC’s approximately 500 affiliated union organizations to submit proposed resolutions for the convention.

These resolutions are a key part not just of the convention, but of the organization itself. It is through the debate and passage of these resolutions that WSLC positions and policies are established. At its 2012 Convention, delegates representing WSLC-affiliated unions approved resolutions in support of single-payer health care, the Gateway Pacific Terminal Project and the legalization of same-sex marriage, and in opposition to workplace bullying, crewing level reductions aboard state ferries and prison-made bread in schools, among other things.

The WSLC Constitution says proposed resolutions should be submitted 30 days prior to convention, which would be June 25. However, “late” resolutions are routinely accepted until the first day of convention and will still be considered by delegates. That said, affiliates are urged to submit these resolutions now or at the earliest possible time to facilitate reproduction and distribution to the convention body.

The resolutions are first referred to various committees that meet Thursday afternoon, the first day of convention, to consider whether to recommend changes or corrections. Debate and voting on the resolutions, and any committee amendments, will begin Saturday morning.

For more information, email Jan Hays or call her at 206-281-8901 ext. 4912.

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