
Lowry, Martin, Tieken appointed to WSLC Executive Board

Wslclogo-webSEATTLE (June 21, 2013) — The Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO welcomed three new Vice Presidents at its most recent Executive Board meeting: Mark Lowry of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 843 in Bellingham, Herbie Martin of Washington Federation of State Employees Local 304 in Seattle, and James Tieken of County and City Employees Local 270 in Spokane.

Members of the WSLC Executive Board, elected every four years by affiliated unions, include the President, the Secretary-Treasurer and 28 Vice Presidents who represent different regions of the state and various constituency groups. The Board meets quarterly and establishes the WSLC’s policies and programs in between conventions. The WSLC is the state’s largest labor organization, representing the interests of more than 500 union organizations with approximately 400,000 rank-and-file members.

At its May meeting, the Board appointed Lowry, Martin and Tieken to fill vacancies created by the resignations of Darrell Chapman of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, James Davis of the A. Philip Randolph Institute, and Kandy Kraig of the Washington Federation of State Employees, respectively. Lowry, Martin and Tieken will finish those current terms, which expire Dec. 31, 2014.

lowry-markMark Lowry serves as President of the Northwest Washington Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO; President of ATU Local 843 in Bellingham; and Labor Representative for the Whatcom Transit Authority. Lowry joins Don Houtchens (USW) and Robert James (NALC) representing the WSLC’s 2nd District.

“I have always thought of myself as a sheep-dog for the middle class,” Lowry said. “I hope that this position will provide me with larger opportunities to continue that mission.”

martin-herbieHerbie Martin is an active member of the A. Philip Randolph Institute (APRI) Seattle Chapter and serves on the WSLC Diversity Committee.

“I am excited about being part of the Washington State Labor Council’s Executive Board and very honored and humbled about this opportunity to make a difference,” Martin said. “My main focus will be to improve the communications with the African-American community and build bridges to the WSLC’s door.”

tieken-james-newJames Tieken has worked for the City of Spokane’s Department of Solid Waste Management for 15 years and served on the Executive Board of County and City Employees Local 270 (AFSCME) for 12 years, including the past eight years as Secretary-Treasurer. He joins Beth Thew (CWA) of the Spokane Regional Labor Council representing the WSLC’s 5th District.

“I sought appointment to the WSLC Executive Board so that I could represent the views of 5th District and support the labor movement across Washington state,” Tieken said.

1 Comment

  1. Riley Sweeney

    June 21, 2013 at 7:36 am

    Mark Lowry is a man of integrity and grit, always willing to drive himself to the bone fighting for the working man. I’m so proud to see him moving up the ranks.

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