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National Voter Registration Day Sept. 25; confirm your status!

Did you know that in 2008, six million Americans didn’t vote because they missed the registration deadline or didn’t know how to register? Make sure all your friends and family are ready to vote this November!

If they live in Washington state, they can confirm their voting status — including making sure their current address is listed — or they can register to vote from scratch at the Secretary of State’s My Vote website.

If they live elsewhere, send them to They can register to vote online and the process is simple and quick. Even if they think you’re registered, their address and their polling place may have changed.

(Washington state residents: A “polling place” is a place where people physically go — usually a church, community center or government building or the like — where they have machines that you use to cast your votes. I know! Right?)

Tuesday, Sept. 25, is National Voter Registration Day. Volunteers, celebrities and organizations from all over the country will “hit the streets” for National Voter Registration Day. This single day of coordinated field, technology and media efforts will create awareness of voter registration opportunities. Want to get involved? Find a National Voter Registration Day event near you.

Also, the AFL-CIO My Vote, My Right website offers hands-on information on voter registration, voter ID laws and steps to take to protect your right to vote on Election Day. Find out what you need to know to make sure your vote counts this year.

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