Pre-convention Labor Neighbor walk Sunday in Wenatchee
After an aggressive pre-primary effort by Labor Neighbor, the Washington State Labor Council’s grassroots union member-to-member political action program, ballot must be mailed by next Tuesday, Aug. 7.
First things first. If you are still holding on to that Primary Election ballot… what are you waiting for? Dig it out of that pile of paperwork, fill it out and mail it in! (Union members are encouraged to see the list of labor’s endorsed candidates and to contact their local Central Labor Councils for recommendations on local races.)
PRE-CONVENTION LABOR NEIGHBOR WALK — Please join local Wenatchee trade unionists and fellow WSLC Convention delegates at 1 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 5 on the lower level of the Wenatchee Convention Center beside the Coast Wenatchee Hotel.
Email Lori Province or call her at 206-351-2956 for details.