
WSLC delegates to mull early endorsements at conference

OLYMPIA — Delegates representing the affiliated unions of the Washington State Labor Council will consider early political endorsement action in the races for U.S. Senate, Governor and State Attorney General at the WSLC’s 2012 Legislative Conference on Thursday, Feb. 9 at the Olympia Red Lion Hotel.

“As working families in this state continue to suffer the impacts of the Great Recession, and given the critical electoral decisions happening this fall, our Executive Board wanted to make sure our affiliated unions can hit the ground running to support of the best candidates in these key races,” said Jeff Johnson, President of the Washington State Labor Council.

The WSLC will conduct an abbreviated two-hour Legislative Conference that morning followed by a Special COPE (Committee on Political Education) Endorsing Convention where credentialed delegates voting on behalf of the council’s more than 500 affiliated unions can take endorsement action. A two-thirds majority of delegates present is required for endorsement. The regular COPE Endorsement Convention — where delegates will consider other statewide, legislative and judicial races – will be held on Saturday, May 5.

All 2012 candidates running for U.S. Senate, Governor and State Attorney General, from both parties, have been sent candidate questionnaires and invitations to speak at the Feb. 9 conference.

Make plans to attend!

The WSLC has already sent delegate credential forms to its affiliated unions, encouraging them to send delegates to the Feb. 9 Legislative Conference who are prepared to vote on possible early endorsements. If you are interested in attending as a delegate or alternate, contact your local union to find out the election/appointment process.

As always, rank-and-file members of affiliated unions are invited to attend the Legislative Conference and the Legislative Reception, which will be at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 8 at the hotel. However, to stay for COPE endorsement action following the conference, you must be a credentialed delegate or alternate representing your union. The endorsement debate and voting will be closed to guests and the press.

You can pre-register to attend the Feb. 8 Legislative Reception and/or the abbreviated Feb. 9 Legislative Conference by emailing Karen White at kwhite@wslc.org, and submitting your name, union, and phone number. The cost of the reception is $15 per person and the conference is $25 per person, which includes the cost of materials but NOT lunch, and can be paid at the door. The conference is scheduled to start at 8:30 a.m. and end at 10:30 a.m., at which time endorsement action will begin. Following that action, lunch will be served and then delegates/alternates will be dismissed to meet with legislators in the afternoon.

Early registration is available in the hotel lobby from 2-4 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 8. Registration the day of the Feb. 9 conference will begin at 7:30 a.m. If you have questions, call the WSLC at 206-281-8901.

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