Hotel workers’ events in Seattle Dec. 19, in Vancouver Dec. 20
What do hotel workers want for the holidays? Job security. Livable wages. Benefits. Safe workloads. Dignity. And justice!
TAKE A STAND! Support UNITE HERE members who are fighting for fair contracts at events in Seattle on Monday, Dec. 19 and in Vancouver (WA), on Tuesday, Dec. 20. here are the details for both events:
Monday, Dec. 19 — Join UNITE HERE Local 8 and other supporters of fair contracts at Seattle-area hotels for a rally at The Edgewater Hotel, Wall St. and Alaskan Way, from 4 to 5 p.m. The rally will feature “A Tale of Two Christmases.” Bring your union colors, and your family members!
Two weeks ago UNITE HERE Local 8 reached a tentative agreement with the Westin Seattle that includes a guarantee from the owner that Westin workers will keep their jobs, even if the hotel is sold. The agreement also includes wage and benefit increases, higher shift minimums, and workload reductions for housekeepers.
It’s a great victory for Seattle, and the hotel workers and their union could not have done this without community support. The continued pressure had a major impact, and gave great moral support for the workers to hold firm until a favorable settlement was reached.
But we can’t rest until ALL hotels in Seattle have good union standards. As UNITE HERE Local 8 continues its boycott at the Seattle Hilton until the hotel guarantees job security, the union is now putting the spotlight on the Edgewater Hotel to demand a fair contract there as well.
For more information, visit www.unitehere8.org.
Tuesday, Dec. 20 — Join UNITE HERE Local 9 and other supporters of a fair contract for Vancouver Hilton workers at a Candlelight Vigil for Justice from 5 to 6 p.m. outside the Hilton hotel at 301 W. 6th St.
Though Hilton management has tried to break their workers’ spirit over the last several weeks, the truth remains clear — stagnant wages and poor working conditions at the hotel are unacceptable.
The story of the injustice at the Vancouver Hilton is being heard by community members, religious leaders and other allies loud and clear. Come join a candlelight vigil and prayer to continue to shine a light on this struggle. There will also be a special announcement about the union’s plans going forward.
For more information, email Local 9’s Eryn Slack.