Trumka: ‘It’s a great day for common sense’ in Ohio
Following is a statement from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka regarding Ohio voters’ resounding 61%-39% rejection of the state’s Republican anti-collective bargaining law:
Today’s defeat of Issue 2 is a major victory for working families in Ohio and across the country. Ohio’s working people successfully fought back against lies pushed by shadowy multi-national corporations and their anonymous front groups that attempted to scapegoat public service employees and everyone they serve by assaulting collective bargaining rights. And it’s a great day for common sense, as Ohioans from all backgrounds and political parties rejected the crazy notion that the 99 percent — nurses, bridge inspectors, firefighters, and social workers — caused the economic collapse, rather than Wall Street.
Politicians in Ohio and across the country should finally understand that working people will fight hard to ensure the survival of the middle class, and politicians who fight battles for the richest 1% will find their radical efforts stopped by the voices of working people.